In the face of serious climate change and energy crisis, renewable energy technology is becoming a common trend in Vietnam and the world. Solar energy (solar energy) is a clean, green, and almost limitless source of energy. Alta Plastics invested in solar energy systems and became a leader in applying renewable energy in biodegradable plastic packaging production lines.
Solar energy – the beginning of green energy
Vietnam is facing the risk of energy uncertainties as demand increases rapidly and traditional supplies are drying out at a rapid rate. Besides, the production and use of fossil fuels create negative impacts on health, the environment, and society. Solar energy is an endless source of energy and solution that does not worry about exhausting resources or adversely affecting the living environment.

Alta Plastics greener production
Conscious that corporate interests are always associated with the community, Alta Plastics has been doing its best for a stable, growing business environment and bringing the best values to the community, living environment protection. It can be seen that the trend of green consumption is growing fast in the world and Vietnam is not out of that trend. We have made efforts to invest in production to produce products with “green” and “clean” elements, building a green brand associated with sustainable development. Following green product production, we continue to invest in clean energy.
In December 2020, Alta Plastics marked a new start of green energy with an investment strategy in the 920kWp solar system. Solar panels are installed covering the entire roof area of the factory with a total area of> 10,000 m2. The system is invested on the basis of climate characteristics in Ho Chi Minh City and strict requirements for structural roof systems.

Solar energy is clean, environmentally friendly, and renewable energy. The working principle of the solar power system is based on the photoelectric effect in physics, electricity is generated from converting sunlight into electricity through solar panels. This is a great solution because it becomes a renewable energy-based power station that both provide electricity for production and is environmentally friendly.
The project comes into operation to provide power for the company’s biodegradable plastic packaging production. Unused solar power will automatically be transferred to the national grid. The panels on the roof are also an effective heat stress solution, reducing the temperature for the factory area. When the solar energy system is put into use, it will contribute to reducing CO2 emissions, reducing production costs, and reducing the load on the regional grid./.